Intelligent Data Marketing

The distinctive touch of Intelligent Data Marketing over traditional marketing, and the application of AI systems, is the increase in the effectiveness of the actions by being able to reach a precise and accurate target, which reduces extra costs of wasted actions.

Our Intelligent Datalander AI tool manages segmentation variables that only Datalander has: age profiles, socioeconomic level, type of housing, unemployment rate, area crime rate... and hundreds of other variables, from the type of transportation used to whether or not you have an elevator. As for companies, we have variables such as number of employees, turnover, year of creation, profits or losses, type of company, CNAEs, SICs, company directors, assets, balance sheets...

For example, a pool chlorine company that wants to promote its product..., what is more effective? Do a mailboxing action? Mass emailing? Or only target people who own homes within a radius of 2Km around the business center?

The Datalander Depura tool manages different variables, with the possibility of interrelating them with each other:

  • GeoMarketing, integrating the great variability of data we have with the possibilities offered by New ICT Technologies, we set up a GIS Tool (Geographic Interpretation Systems), which allows us to apply the entire conglomerate of variables within an accurate and precise geographical framework. , exact micromarketing. We extend a figure around a radius of meters determined based on our business center, or a polygon, or a census tract.
  • Socioeconomic segmentation of people or companies (families with children, income in €, social class, type of home, ages, retirees, homes with garage or ownership, married, single, chalets, level of education...).


Datalander Depura is our Normalizing tool through which we homogenize and enrich all types of databases.
Regarding the postal address, find if there are writing errors, or if what is missing is the Postal Code and the data and/or correct it based on the population entity. For example “SS Reyes, Sanse, SReyes, SSReyes..” will always be “SAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES”, in addition to differentiating between individuals and companies.

As for the nomenclature used for addresses, it has the update of the Street Nomenclatures provided by the INE in January 2024. It locates the street in its tables, homogenizes the way in which it is written, and always gives the same output . There are many advantages that we can obtain from the Datalander Depura application, such as the generation of MatchCodes, adaptation of truncated or erroneous characters, generation of Unique records, validation of CIFs or DNIs, normalization of company names...

What all of this allows us to do is that at the output of our Datalander Depura Tool, the data is Homogeneous in all its ranges, which allows us to execute the final process without any type of risk: Deduplication: identification and exclusion of duplicate records. We can say that the average number of duplicates that we find the first time we act on our Clients' databases is around 30%, can you imagine the unnecessary costs and the bad image that this entails?

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